Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Las Vegas: Day 3

Got up late, played a litle World of Warcraft with Jordan, Eric, Tim and a few others. Was not entirely there. Slightly tired, wonder why. Gobbed up some PVP points and then took a nice nap which revealed that cold air shuts off my MP3 player. That iPod Nano is looking more attractive every day, or maybe I am making excuses.

Saw Zumanity. Everything was black and red, and i happened to be wearing my black and red suit. It was like wearing camo utils. Show was not entirely goth, but in the sense that it talked and expressed sex, it was very goth... at least in my mind how I wish goth was. More accurately it was sexual. The girl binding herself in ribbons 30 feet off the floor while whispering things like, "Don't let me move," ,"Abandon me," and "Choke me,"... okay it all sounds strange, but it was very freaking B&D and I freakin LOVED it! Now back to our regularly scheduled sane blog.

Yeah, yeah, I am probably technically sane, and I feel sane and all. It's odd to me that as I am here in Vegas, NOBODY dresses like me. I have now counted five people who dress like I do. The rest... seriously I pass by people and they are laughing at me 5 seconds later as if I cannot hear them. Should I feel sad that there are like 45 states in the US who think dyed hair is so strange it warrents a comical quip? After a day of wandering and wondering on this very subject this wonderful person walks up to me and says, "Boy, in New York you would be hot, hot hot! You got it goin' ON!" Salvation. She isn't goth, she is as regular looking as everyone else in the place, except she respected me. Bought her a drink, she deserved it for being the only person in las Vegas to tell me I had fashion on the up-and-up.

Went to an irish pub called Nine Fine Irish Men. Fun place. Drank 6 Murphy's Red Ales, a shot of Bushmill's. Also ate a "Bucket of Sausage". I estimated that it would be five sausages on a bed of lettuce in one of those one-liter tin pails you pot plants in. No. I was wrong... It was a giant cauldron full of spicy saucage and beer battered sausage, a bunch of mustard and, I am ashamed to say I did not finish it. Sure the six beers might have played a part, but seriously, that's a lot of food! I'm going back there tomorrow it was so good.

After the show and the ritzy-bar-that-the-wonderful-woman-told-me-I-had-it-going-on-in, I took a cab to the Sapphire. I seriously didn't see a lot in there. It's a big spacious place. Walking in there in a suit made for Dan Aykroyd, I had girls on me like I had ran through a bramble brush of boobies. RAD! Didn't shell out a dollar till I found hottie # hottie. She was great. Fun, friendly, talkative, interesting. Great, great. She insisted on giving me her number so I could come to her birthday party at her place. We'll see if it's a real number or not, but seeing as I didn't ask her for it and I was on my way out...

I'm back at my room now, gonna watch a movie I think because night and day seem to be blending. Since every time I sleep I feel like I am stealing about 4-9 hours of life from myself... who knows, but I am sure when I need sleep I will take a nap.

Tomorrow's plans:

Lunch: Nap
Show: "O"
Dinner: Quark's
After dinner: Studio 54 (it's some ritzy ultra-lounge somethin or other, but I got a free pass with my hotel registration. Something not done is never done as I like to say.)


Didn't gamble. Still -$198



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun at Quarks... watch out for the 10 shot drink... boy it sounds like you are having a great time..... I so wish I was off school this week and could be there......

11/15/2005 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Stranger...
Had to say hi! Glad you seem to be having fun! The ladies don't know what they are missing...and your style is always sexy here in CA.
Enjoy the rest of your time, but we can't wait to have you back!

11/15/2005 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good design!
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9/15/2006 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
My homepage | Please visit

9/15/2006 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
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9/15/2006 02:23:00 PM  

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