Friday, October 14, 2005

My letter to Jack Thompson

I do not know why lately I have my fingers in politics. I guess I am just overly concerned about the direction our country is taking lately. Anyway, a little relief here, I decided to write a letter to Jack Thompson. He's my new hero.

Dear Jack Thompson,

I am writing this letter in hopes that you will threaten me with legal action. I have seen you threaten many people with legal action in the past 18 years and as your #1 fan I am starting to feel left out. I would like especially if you could reply to my email with some of your more famous threatening phrases like 'or else', 'you'll regret it' or 'you've picked the wrong guy to mess with', but a new and original legal threat would be excellent as well. Even better would be a signed letter mailed to my mailing address because I am pretty sure I would be the envy of all of my friends with a hand signed Jack Thompson legal threat on my wall! If you don't have time to threaten me at all, I do understand. You probably only like to threaten celebrities and I am just a normal Joe, as much of a fan of you I may be. Please do consider my request just the same.


Aaron Rhodes
(address removed by me because stalker lady is still crazy and probably my neighbor)

I know, I'm evil.


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