Thursday, October 13, 2005

My favorite month.

Well, I never got a letter back from the USA network, but I did get a letter from Bobby Henderson, creator of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He tells me that Randomhouse Publishing is funding some media coverage and publicity marketing to get the Church of the FSM recognized. This makes me happy.

Halloween! Okay, can anyone guess what I am going to be for Halloween? That's right, the Flying Spaghetti Monster!!! So if you dress like a pirate we will have some funny pamphlets about the FSM for you to pass out if you want, and you should come visit me and join me in a prayer to Him in the hope that you too will be touched by His Noodly Appendage, and feel gratified knowing that you are helping to reduce global warming. I will be downtown all night spreading the word of His Sauce. RAmen!

I mention this is my favorite month. It is my favorite weather, favorite colors in the trees, favorite holidays. So far it has been great! Ren Faire has treated me well and I saw the three best movies of the year this month: Corpse Bride, Mirrormask and Serenity.

I turned 30 on October 1st. My friends all came over and threw a great party for me. We all went to see Serenity together. Unfortunately I got food poisoning that day and didn't feel up to partying with everyone. Not a problem though. The weekend at Faire was great and I had a good time. I want to thank my sister Thea and John for the great thermometer, which has already assisted me in cooking a turkey to perfection. Thank you Mom and Doug for the awesome leatherworking tools, sharpening stones and the book on black flowers. Thanks Gramma and Grampa for the wonderful quilt! I know you wanted to give it to me when I got married, but... knowing me that could be a long time from now. I am glad to have it now to keep me warm at night. Thank you Julie for the very cool handmade birthday card, it made me feel very special. Thank you Myla for the bottle of Vodka and thank you Randall for the bottle of whisky. You really know my best side. Finally, thank you very much Mike for all of the wonderful food you cook for me and for the countless outings we go on together to lift our spirits high.

So in November sometime I plan on taking a trip to Vegas. The faint of heart need not apply, but if anyone is interested in going, please let me know.



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