Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Grass is Always Greener

Here's what's going on. Just all kinds of things happening I don't know where to start. Okay, I am moving. Pretty excited about that really. I can't explain much why I need to move, just that I must. Well, besides the cat. I guess I don't dig cats much anymore. Well, I never really have I guess. They certainly are soft, but I guess if I wanted soft I would find myself a woman instead. Speaking of, that someone I met recently is really great. I really can't say much more about her, because I don't want to jinx it you know? I have been going out more. Going clubbing, going to parties parties parties, hiking into the woods to find buried treasure, shooting pistols and so much more! Something new now, I ordered a chanter because I want to learn how to play the bagpipes. Why would I want this? Very mobile instrument. Free drinks at the Irish pub. I don't know how to play anything really well. Goes well with a Utilikilt. Did I mention my soon-to-be house mate sells these?! Job is going great. My robot is going to win the next robocode tournament (I hope) and I'm really excited about that.

In other news, Sparge! is coming up. Aren't you happy? I am!

Music pick: Qntal - Check out their new album, you won't be dissapointed.

Movie pick: Sin City - "Is that all you've got... you pansies!"

Game pick: World of Warcraft - This is the greatest game created by humans in the history of the universe.

Web pick: - Look, do I have to beat it into you? Make a stamp and get to gettin'!



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