Monday, August 18, 2003

There will be blood tonight!

Tonight I DJ again at The Box. Yay! Very excited.

Haven't posted much lately due mainly to some hard decisions coming up in my life. Where I am, what I'm doing, where I am going. I might be moving here very soon, in fact almost definitely. I am trying to choose the absolute best plan for my life though and there should not be anything to worry about. So, will I be moving? Yes, pending word on Adam's mortgage loan approval. Will I be getting a new job? Not if I can help it. The job I have is great and I have a plan to keep it and commute, sort of, using a rented room in Livermore and staying there for the 4 day work week. Will I be happier? Yes. In all the time I have been in Livermore, I still have zero friends to hang out with locally. Generally I make friends, it doesn't make sense, I don't belong here.

In other news, my new katana is nearly here, and I got my new Utilikilt. It's neat. I am now prepared for the horrible wars that will tear the world apart and leave us in a post atomic wasteland populated by mutants and anarchy. Whew, William Gibson has me brainwashed I'm sure.

Music pick: Scooter - Their "Gold" album is just plain fun to listen to.

Movie pick: Yojimbo - There are a few live-action Japanese movies that really are shining stars. The Seven Samurai is one of them, this is definitely another.

Game pick: iSketch - Try this game sometime with a bunch of friends, I assure you, hands down, your sides will hurt from laughing.

Web pick: Mike D's site - Check out his story about our faire experience. I couldn't have told it better myself.



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