Thursday, August 07, 2003

Hand me that brightly colored shirt please

Vacation coming in a couple weeks. What to do, what to do... Well, whatever it is I decide to do, it's sure to involve my friends. Will it involve beer? Maybe. Will it involve friends? Definately.

In other news, some big changes happening that I'm keeping a little on the low-down, but expect to hear about it soon.

Music pick: Lost at Last - Their title album containing a bunch of ethnic sounding new wave sort of stuff. It's really fun to listen to though!

Movie pick: Pirates of the Caribbean - If you havn't seen this, do yourself a favor and shell out the cash. It is very entertaining with some grand swashbuckling, fantastic lines and even quite a few direct references to the ride at Disneyland.

Game pick: Settlers of Catan - Most everyone I know has played this game with me, but just in case... you can also play this game in online pickup games at Settlers of Catan Java.

Web pick: Acts of Gord - Heh.. hehehehe...



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