Monday, July 28, 2003

Gone clubbing!

Okay, made it through the guards, the jibes and snickers of co-workers, my hair is BACK! Tonight after work, I go to martial arts, then I go to The Box. Thinking the only way I'll survive a gruelingly long day + the drive is to not drink beer, which goes without saying as I will be going alone. I'll bring my CDs too, maybe I'll get to spin a little as I only see two DJs slated for tonight. Woot! I have a very extravagant costume that I'm working on for clubbing, but the essential bit isn't done so it's t-shirt and jeans tonight.

Music pick of the week: Juno Reactor
They've been around a while but recently picked up some of their stuff and it's just great. It soft, catchy electronic, just fun to listen to.

Movie pick of the week: "Dog Soldiers"
Best werewolf movie I have ever seen I think.

Game pick of the week: Star Wars Galaxies
Find me on Kettemoore server.

Web link of the week: PvP Online
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