Wednesday, July 23, 2003

What would Aaron do?

Not much happening this week. I feel relieved to have made it through the grueling hot weekend at Faire. Something about standing in 104-degree weather for 8+ hours a day just tuckers me out. Taking this weekend off then for a little R&R before the last 2 weekends, sorry Mike, I know you are understaffed.

In other news, got my digital camera, pictures will ensue. Finished the living room up (I was short some cloth last time around). I'm also getting in touch with my feminine side and feeling a strong urge to learn how to sew. Sooo... I need to get a sewing machine and figure out how to work the dang thing. I figure if I can learn every home economics skill then I'll have a good chance of having a legitimate exclusive right to the TV remote control.

Things Aaron can do:

- Woodcraft (hand carving, sanding, cutting, lathe, joining, painting, lettering, etc...)
- Metal craft (welding, forging, cutting, shaping, bending, tempering, etc...)
- Drafting (pen & paper, isometric, 3D, CAD, 3D CAD, etc...)
- Autos (Engine rebuild, carburetors, etc...)
- Leatherworking (cutting, shaping, stamping, splitting, tying, gluing, dying)
- Cooking (don't know what's so hard about cooking anyway...)
- Programming (C, C++, ADA, Pascal, Delphi, HTML, PLSQL, + more)
- Electronics (simple circuits, ICs and wires)
- Networks (Ethernet, token ring, servers, hubs, switches, routers, etc...)
- Building computers (picture of the masterpiece to come)
- Interior design (again, picture to come)
- Martial Arts (Yay!)
- Homebrewing (mead, cider, beer)
- Guns (rifles, automatics, pistols, grenades)
- Leadership (military, EQ guild)
- Game (all sorts of games. I'm usually not the best, but overall pretty good at all games)
- DJ (see The Box, My friend Yarry and I started this club about 4 years ago and it's still going strong)

Things Aaron would like to learn to do:

- Sew
- Make music (keyboard, computer MIDI, sing)
- Draw (Comics, computer graphics)
- Usa a Katana (Just in case the world goes to hell, swords don't take ammo)
- Fly a plane
- Design and build complex machinery
- Design and build complex electronics
- Game design (Graphics, design specs, etc...)

Things Aaron will never be able to do:

- Remember important dates
- Get from point A to point B without taking wrong turns
- Concentrate on two things at once
- Drive faster than the speed limit
- Understand women
- Lie

Music pick of the week: stromkern "Night Rider" (EP)
So good to hear a unique sound. Very punchy and catchy.

Movie pick of the week: "The Animatrix"
About 30 minutes of 'it's worth seeing'.

Game pick of the week: Star Wars Galaxies
Still playing it.

Web link of the week: Pillow Fort Warfare
I do believe I have found a new vice.


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