Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Bad bender (Backlog July 10 2003)

Another day, another dollar. Spent last night drinking beer. Mmmm... beeer... whoo hoo! Yes, oh yes woo hoo! Logged onto EQ and explored a dungeon called Veksar which was fun, then spent an hour ranting about things to my friend Eden which was pretty fun. Also still playing Animal Crossing on GameCube which is pretty fun, though the shopkeeper NEVER seems to have a bug net in his shop. Also finished the Night Elf campaigns in WC3: Frozen Throne. So basically, was a perfect night; video games and beer.

The Rennesaunce Faire is coming up which is exciting. I will be working there the first, second, fourth and fifth weekends at a booth called The Mighty Might which is run sort of by a few people but it's Mike D's lovechild. My father and I made a new sign for the booth which I am really proud of and hopefully I will have a picture on the site here of it. I need a digital camera for sure now, and a scanner. Need to wait till my replacement credit card arrives first though...

Which also brings me to a little story. Don't you love stories of people who do really stupid stuf when they drink? So at Jayson Williams' wedding everything was fine.. including the champagne. So yummy was the champagne and it was just sitting there.. neglected and alone and i had to do something. After showing off my karaoke talent in front of a large crowd singing "Mack the Knife" and "The Copa Cobana" and making the karaoke lady mad by swinging the microphone around on it's cord. Hey, I saw it in a movie, I thought it would be okay. Then me, Colin and Amity decide we'll hit up the nearest boobie bar. I forget if we walked or got a cab there but when we got there I know I stuck my ATM card into the machine, entered the pin (I thought I entered it right) but it said I was wrong and it ATE my card. I think somewhere in here is where the alcohol really started to go to work on me because during the course of the next couple of hours I got stopped by the police for "howling" through the streets, then after being led back to the apartments I wandered off again, somehow lost my credit card, sprained my ankle got lost and had to beg a taxi with no cash on me to take me to the hotel where he was paid and I was greeted by many worried friends. Ugh, that was probably the worst thing I have done drunk in a long time.


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