Thursday, July 31, 2003

Oh what a beautiful feeling

Yesterday's grueling martial arts session has left me with only half the use of my legs. What a workout. I have learned that whenever Mr. Jue says the word "dalyon" he is referring to your imminent doom. That's what I signed up for though. Also, have you ever just realized that you have Friday off on Thursday morning? It might be comparable to an orgasm. Other things which have orgasmic properties:

- Cleaning ears with Q-Tips.

- Peeing after having to go for a long time.

- Taking off shoes and socks after a long, hot day.

- Massages.

- Someone with long fingernails running fingers through your hair.

- Showering after a long camping trip which had no shower.

- Happening upon an episode of ST:TNG that you havn't seen before and finding out that it's one where they employ a phased variance array of tachyon particles filtered through a cloud of warp core plasma to close the rift in the space time continuum.

- Attatching snapping turtles to your nipples.

Okay, I was kidding about the snapping turtles.

In other news, Faire is this weekend. Other than that I won't be doing much.



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