Two months of pain, and it fealt so good

I am finally done with Ren Faire, PAX, family camp outs, weddings and whatever else I was doing for the last couple months. It was a lot of fun, but I'd like my weekends back please.
PAX of course was a great trip. More than I could have asked for.
Ren Faire was really great. This year I spent with the Archery booth and I have to say, they are a wild bunch. I learned how to play beer pong, we raised $1200 for breast cancer research in the crudest way possible, we played a game called "Graffiti Night" where we created our own T-Shirts by drawing on each other, there were strange drinks such as "Prairie Fires" and "Snakebites" and overall I spent a fraction of the money I usually spend at faire. I think I actually saved money by going.
Now I am leaving for Maui on Saturday. I have never been there before but I assume this will be a very relaxing week. I am planning on doing some snorkeling, boating, fishing, jungle exploring, pirating, beach sleeping, swimming, ogling and maybe I'll slip in one or two of these "Chunky Monkeys" my co-workers keep telling me about.
Still working on the boat thing. If you don't know about it yet, I am trying to buy a sail boat and live aboard it. This is a huge lifestyle change and one intended to lessen expenses, follow a dream and get one step closer to being a real pirate. And yes, I am dead serious you land-lubbers!
Also, I turn 33 tomorrow. I don't think I'll be having a party. I'm too busy. One thing I'll ask though is, in light of the new move, consider that the last thing I need is more "stuff". I am trying to get rid of 2/3 of my possessions as it is. I am not sure what I will need once I get aboard this sailing vessel I will soon call home, but let's assume things that float, generate power, catch fish, generate water or find my global position based on the location of the stars might be on that list. Maybe next year is a better year to shop for me.
That's all for now.