Friday, November 30, 2007

The holiday season

Good food, family and friends, it all happens in the last two months of the year, except for those other times it happens in the other ten months.

I visited my sister and some of the Robinson family at my sister's house in Pasa Robles. That was fun. I made green bean casserole from scratch, which worked out well. Thank you Thea and Jon for the late (my fault) birthday present. My room smells FRESH!

Played a lot of games lately. I have also been embarking on this sort of entrepreneur venture ... thing. It's pretty exciting. I didn't want to talk much about it until now because I was afraid that if I talked too much about it, I wouldn't do it. A sort of new motivating strategy thing I have been doing. I am truly excited about it though and am going to be aggressively shooting for a Tues/Thurs schedule on reviews.

The second holiday is coming soon as well, lots of time off and a lot of plans up north.

In sad news, this weekend is the last weekend for the SkyView Drive-In. We plan on giving it a final hoo-rah.

That's all folks!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The post about the green beans made me hungry. That will teach me to surf the interweb :(

Who knew you could cook?

-- Matt

12/20/2007 09:42:00 PM  

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