Monday, June 04, 2007


A couple of weekends ago I mentioned that I was going to my good friend Justin's graduation party. I was remiss in my duties to neglect to post about it. We had a lot of fun. There was a bit of work involved, getting lots of beverages and setting up and cleaning and making Jell-O shooters but it all paid off in the end when the live band fired up and the cocktails began to flow. There were two distinct types of people there: The youngins and the elders. Now I thought there would be a clear separation of partying methods as well, until I saw the somewhat elderly woman sitting next to me shoot a glass of tequila. Fantastic! The band, who shall forever more be named "Squirrel Eaters", gave out a binder full of songs we could select and they re-created them with flawless elegance. The evening wound down to a poker game that I did apply a modest amount of skill to. Clearly they underestimated the guy playing Puzzle Quest on his DS while tossing cards around with dis-interest. Little did they know it was my only chance to not have a tell.

The following day we went to someplace called "The Laguna" and ate at a wonderful Belgian restaurant. There was an art festival going on at the time so we got to duck into some art shops (this place was littered with more galleries than Carmel) in between stops at the various restaurants and breweries. All in all a wonderful night. Also, nobody there had ever seen dyed hair. I have a particularly colorful 'do' right now so the responses from passer-byes ranged from asking to take a picture to bouncy girls flashing me a smile and a wave. There should be some pictures forthcoming including me giving Justin a ride on my shoulders. Whee! I also introduced Justin to the wonders of a 16-year-old Lagavulin which surely will be a detriment to him financially in the future.

Current games:

Ninja Spirit - Virtual Console
Act Raiser - Virtual Console
Etrian Odessey - Nintendo DS
And of course World of Warcraft, now level 70



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