Sofa so good

Lately I have had lots of entertaining distractions at my house so I am super stoked to just hang out there like a hermit. Funny how I would have to degrade my entertainment quotient to force me to be sociable. So in no particular order, my latest distractions:
The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists
Puzzle Quest
World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade
Blockbuster Online ( replaced Netflix with this because I can walk the return envelopes to the Blockbuster down the street for free movies)
Penny Arcade Volume 3: The Warsun Prophecies
Paper Mario
In other news, did you know there is World of Warcraft porn? Now you do (NSFW).
Level 62
Speaking of entertainment at your place, can you please stop shaving your face for about 3 days before I get there,and wait until after you see me to do it? I have lots of pent-up cheek-squishing to do to you and I want them perfect. Pardis, 179.5/166.5
If you like that puzzle game, and you like pirates, you might like:
Puzzle Pirates
"aaron needs this"
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