Monday, December 29, 2008

Sailor?!? I don't even KNOW her! Ahahahaha!

This holiday weekend I did a lot. I mean a real lot. I didn't get to play WoW nearly at all.

First it was a trip to Paso Robles to see my Sister. I had heard from her that the hardest part of dealing with Kaley is that she wants to wear her princess pajamas every morning. Naturally I bought her a Tinkerbell dress complete with wings and a princess jewelry set with a tiara, earrings, necklace and bracelets. I thought I was doing my duty as an uncle to buy these things. Unfortunately it backfired as this gave Kaley more than one thing she might want to wear in the morning. The "angry shot" of my sister was not nearly as angry as I was expecting. Better luck next year when I buy the "Fisher Price 'My First Drum Set'".

Thank you John and Thea for the crackers, smoked salmon, gift Visa and homemade grape jelly!

Thank you Mom and Doug for the foul weather gear, Johnny Walker scotch and super socks!

Thank you Randall and Vince for the awesome cookies!

Thank you Gramma and Grampa and Wrendy and Phil for the wonderful cards!

Next I met with my grandma and grandpa at the docks, along with my uncle Mitch, his two daughters Meagan and Heather, My aunt Wrendy, her husband Phil and their son Eric and daughter Jessica. We had to make two trips out because there is some six person rule I once heard about. Mitch, Grampa, Phil, Eric, Jessica and I went out first. The sun was shining and the wind was plentiful. We went all over the bay! We made it back in about two hours and docked in front of the Crow's Nest to swap crews. Then out again for more sailing. This really was one of the best days of my life. I learned so much about sailing, safety, wind, tacking, woo! I am now confident enough that I can take non-experienced people out on my boat without worry. I am not quite ready to solo yet but I am sure it will come.

SO... that means now is your chance. Reservations are open, give me a call and let me know when you want to go out. I can go after work as I get off at about 3 but it doesn't leave a lot of time with the sun setting at 5pm right now. Weekends would be better. It would also help if you can look at the wind conditions and pick a day that has near 10-20 knots of wind.

I am also starting my rod repair project. I have a sea fishing rod that my great grandfather made but some parts of it are broken. I am going to fix it up and then I will then have two rods and two reels for anyone who wants to fish while we are out.

After the wonderful sailing trip I drove to Pollock Pines to visit my Dad. After an unsuccessful computer class (my fault) we went to dinner at a local steak house. Yum, steak! I helped him out in the shop a bit and he gave me a tackle box that his dad Jesse Rhodes made. Totally cool! That's way better than buying one of those plastic pieces of junk. It has some weights, hooks and line in it already so I am almost set on tackle now too!

Sunday morning I stopped by Alan and Debbie's house in Rancho Cordova. I let them know I was interested in starting some SCA activities, including heavy fighting. Jordan and I went to one of the Canton of Caer Darth practices which we will be attending on Thursdays. Alan lent me some of Debbie's gear including a helmet, gauntlets, plate leggings and some other odds and ends. A good start! I think I shall also be attending 12th night. More info on that later.

In other news, I am tired of trying to figure out the difference between 'effect' and 'affect'. When have you ever said, "Oh, affect, not effect. That changes everything!"? Therefore, I will now merge these two words into 'æffect' despite the trouble it takes to look up the word æther and copy and paste the letter to spell æffect.


Blogger Unknown said...

In my next life, I want to be a sailor.

12/29/2008 03:47:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Have fun at 12th night :) it is generally about 12 hours of court time while the new king and queen get sworn in..zzzzz

hehe it was my first SCA event up here in Antir

12/29/2008 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't let the ill effects of grammar confusion affect you.

12/31/2008 05:04:00 PM  

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