Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Be my valentine

Love is in the air and I'm saving a bundle. It's funny, this "holiday" used to be my least favorite as you were just as likely to unwittingly turn your significant other into a puddle of tears as to make her happy, no matter how much money you spent. No, not fond of this holiday at all. Still, it does send a little reminder of what I am missing. No matter, I'll just be my own valentine.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

More things I am done with

- I am about done with price tags having lots of nines in it. If something costs $140, don't price it at $139.99 because, that really insults the intelligence of every person who sees it. It's like having a store full of condescending products. Doesn't make me happy.

- I am about done with video game adaptations of movies. You know who those are marketed to? Parents who don't know that nearly all of these games suck major ass. Kid gets the Harry Potter game and you know how long he's gonna play it? A good 15 minutes because it will be more fun to grind pepper into their own eyes.

- I am about done with organic products that were never non-organic to begin with but are marketed as separate skews of the product. Like... here's some coconuts, and here's some ORGANIC coconuts! You can look up non-organic coconuts, but it's pretty vague what that means as they talk about non-organic "strains" which doesn't make sense. Actually, while we are on the subject, the term "organic" is a pretty crappy term. Anything that is or once was alive is "organic" so they should have thought of a different word to describe "doesn't use pesticides".


Thursday, February 01, 2007

What is everyone scared of?

Everyone is scared. Scared of Bird Flu, terrorist attacks, Muslims, bombs, kids who play violent video games, people who listen to rap, people who wear black clothing, people with AIDS, homosexuals, MySpace accounts, electromagnetic emissions from cell phones, tap water, the Sun... Come on people. Stepping into your car is an order of magnitude more risky than all of these silly little fears put together. You are pretty much living in the safest country on Earth and you are whining and bitching about how your kitchen counter-tops might have bacteria on them. Let' take a look at this (play the video in the article, it's great). These guys are exactly the kind of people I want to know because THEY have made their reality check.

258/241 (according to my new scale, with a +2 lb penalty for having to use a new scale)