Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Gobble, gobble

Well it was a wonderful long weekend filled with copious amounts of food and relaxation, mixed in with a bit of FFXII. This weekend is Mike D's birthday. He's 40. That's really old. It puts things in perspective, like when I was a kid we had already invented the wheel. I mean wow. I bet he has wrinkly balls, but not like normal wrinkly balls; I bet he has wrinkles ON his ball wrinkles. It's like a wrinkle convention where people reminisce with their peers from 30 years ago and try to hook up with that pubic hair that used to be ass ugly but is looking pretty good in her silver years.

On Saturday I am having another friend's birthday which sounds terribly exciting. It involves a limousine bus and bar hopping. What could go wrong?

An update on the Europe trip: We have settled on visiting Britain. So we are all researching different places to go in England, Scotland and Ireland. Neat! So far I am keen on visiting:

York Minster (it's a town where lots of beer is made)
Covent Garden
Tower of London

Edinburgh Castle
Some inn that my great, great, great, great grandmother owned.
A battlefield with a metal detector and a shovel
Glenamorange Distillery

The Blarney Stone
Temple Bar
Guinness Brewery

Any other suggestions are welcome!

In other news, I am waiting a good three weeks before attempting to buy a Nintendo Wii because I dislike those stupid fanboy lines. Sure, I am a fanboy, but I'm not dumb enough to sit in a line for half a day for the *chance* at something a few weeks early.



Anonymous Anonymous said... should hit up the old Jamesons distillery. It is in Dublin, and make sure you raise your hand first when they ask 4 volunteers!

1/09/2007 09:53:00 AM  

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