Thursday, November 02, 2006

On to winter

So Halloween was fun. It took quite a bit of courage to come into work with no shirt on, especially considering my sexy physique. It had everyone there in good spirits despite their burning retinas so all is well. In the evening Pardis and I went to Randall's house for some great vittles and relaxing conversation. We decided against going downtown for a few reasons. For one, it was cold outside and my costume was not designed to insulate me very well. The other is, the city of Santa Cruz decided to turn downtown into a military zone. There were multiple helicopters with search lights flying overhead, fences and about 75 officers in riot gear. This follows their TV and radio ads that say if you are drunk downtown you'll be arrested and fined triple the normal amount. In my mind, this lowers the fun factor by more than a tiny bit. So we went to Adam's house to give our costumes some more face time and that was about it.

Now we look forward to the "family" holidays. This is always an awkward and somewhat stressful time as I, like most, have to split time between separate factions of my family. My Dad and fam should be around Santa Cruz from what I hear while my Mom and fam should be at my Sister's house. I might be able to make everyone happy and visit both, we'll have to see how that goes. The Xmas holiday there is also talk of hanging at the sister's place. All fine and dandy. I wonder what I'll do for gifts...

There was a commercial on TV that I thought rang more true than funny. It said, "After the holiday vacation, what you might need is... a vacation." So speaking of that, I am meeting with Adam and Jordan to plan a possible trip to somewhere in Europe. I was planning on going to Scotland with my Mom and fam, but now with a baby and the accident it looks like that is a ways off. I am going to just go for it I think, so here is to saving up! I am thinking Scotland and Ireland or maybe Amsterdam or Prague. Sounds so exciting!

In home-land I am taking a little break from imbibing alcohol. Sometimes one needs a break from such things. This does contradict my upcoming purchase of a compact keggerator but I am sure that'll take a while to get here and it has certain social purposes. One of these purposes will be to dispense beer at Mike D's bachelor party. Wait, did you hear that right? Yes, Mike D is hitched from what I can tell by the glitter on Jackie's finger. I am in charge of the Bachelor party which is going to be a hefty job.

In other news, game season is coming. I plan on purchasing FFXII and I am OF COURSE looking forward to the Nintendo Wi... Revo... You know, I am probably going to have a hard time avoiding the new name. I hate to admit it but I might take back what I said about ignoring the new name. I DO think it is a terrible name, but at the same time it was probably one of the more brilliant names in marketing history. It was so bad that every game news site, magazine and blog in the world mentioned it. You can't get better publicity than that. At any rate, I'll be swinging that Revwiimote around like a mad evil monster that points at things, and I'll love it!



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