Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cozumel: The Ugly

And now the final chapter to the Cozumel trip.

As far as I can tell, the people in Mexico that make road signs are a bunch of pranksters. They have rarely failed at representing some sort of hazard with an image that brings to mind naughty bits. For your enjoyment, here they are:

If any of you have ever read THIS post, then I am sure you are aware of my fascination with blowholes. I will let these pictures tell the whole tale...

I went full blowhole. You never go full blowhole.

And now the grand finale. Our first night there, we admittedly drank way too much. There are some bits that Jordan and I don't remember, but we DO remember this:

That's all for now folks!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cozumel: The Bad

No vacation would be complete without a few mishaps. Here is the story of the bad.

On the first day I thought it would be a good idea to stick all of my cash, credit cards and ID in a ziplock bag and put it in my pocket so I could go swimming with it. Turns out, it didn't keep the water out and it floated.... out of my pocket... far away into the wild blue ocean. It is good to travel in groups though, Jordan was able to lend me some money to hold me over for the trip. Geed news, did not lose my passport!

In the course of the trip there was a lot of swimming. This lead to some painful ear conditions that affected Jordan, Jackie and me. It didn't feel good and there were days where some of us didn't feel like coming out to play.

There must be something in the water down there in Mexico because we also universally developed a surprising number of gastronomical conditions. We took the liberty of naming them:

- Chum butt
- Mud slide
- Inking
- Whooosghe
- Bubble gum

Senor Frog's: This place was freaking annoying. We went to the one before the ferry and it was somewhat annoying. The one in downtown Cozumel was outright obnoxious. We were seated and accosted by multiple clowns, head shaking shot givers, sombrero picture takers and a DJ that was yelling out things such as, "Yiy, yiy, yiy, arrriba, andele!" The menu outside had different prices than what was inside, I am sure you can tell why that is. There were more waiters than tables and our waiter was more than dismayed when we decided that one beer was enough and we wanted to leave. He took the liberty of clearing our tables and increasing the price of our beers while the clowns accused us with their eyes of killing their puppies.

Texans. Many of the people there were from Texas. With a few exceptions, they were very rude people. They must really dislike these very polite and friendly people who were waiting on them hand and foot because they made it clear that no such courtesy would be reciprocated. Sometimes it was hard to watch.

That was the story of the bad parts. One segment left to reveal, I challenge you to guess the title.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Cozumel: The Good

Cozumel was awesome! This is the story of the good parts.

After a long plane trip, an expensive meal at Senor Frog's, a ferry to the island and a cab ride to the resort, we had arrived. We got these cool little wrist bands that let us do anything we wanted for free! Of course we took full advantage of that.

Our rooms were beautiful, HUGE and the back patio lead out to a connected pool. I got to swim over to Mike and Jackie's room to bother them into drinking with me. The pools had water slides that went straight to the main pool with the swim up bar. Guarberto "Wallace" was our bartender for the whole week, he was such a great sport.

Our favorite restaurant was Mosaic where we had a lovely waiter named Jesus. He lit our drinks on fire and we had some lovely Pad Thai. We ate there mostly but there was a buffet and a couple other restaurants that we could choose to eat at. Great food, great drinks, great times.

We also made a lot of friends with this new game we learned called Liar's Dice. Many a late night ended with the words, "There are twenty-five dice on the table".

At the water you are allowed to use the snorkeling gear for free so we did that. I am really impressed with my underwater camera! It took some great underwater pictures while snorkeling and never broke down. We also took a catamaran to snorkel out in the reefs. We saw turtles and lots of neat fish, and even a shipwreck marker!

The last couple of days were spent shopping and checking out the Myan ruins. There were a lot more ruins than I was expecting to see, really cool! We also went to a restaurant called Coconuts (visualize a sign with two coconuts wearing a bikini and a sombrero and having nipples). It overlooked the sea from a cliff and they had some great conch ceviche.

We took a tour of a tequila tasting room that gave some history and information about making tequila. Yummy!

That is the story of the good. There will be two more blog posts in the following days, stay tuned!
