Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Turn Around...

I'm putting the call out. I need your help. YOU! All of you. Everyone I know. To help me launch my career as a music video producer, I need you to fulfill the destiny of my muse. Inspired by Mike D and Randall B's duet at Pirate Fest, I have decided to create an awe inspiring rendition of Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart". To help you along with this, I have provided a link to the original (and soon to be overshadowed and forgotten) music video for you to lip sync to. And, here are the lyrics to help refresh your memory of this timeless classic. What I need specifically is a video of you lip syncing to the song. Please feel free to dance, sing, frolic, look at yourself in the mirror, sing while dismantling a chicken, anything you'd like. Once you have this video made, I will give you instructions on how to send it to me. I will make a beautiful montage of the video and release it to the world where it belongs.


Edit: I was made aware that Kevin was also a part of this, making a trio of over-acted romance and big hair. I am sorry I didn't have the details right.


Blogger Unknown said...

I believe there was a trio of pirates singing. I feel slighted.

BTW I have the 45 of Total Eclipse. It came out about a week after I joined the navy. We used to watch the video over and over in our mess thinking that if only the freeze-frame technology was a little better we would see a nipple flash near the end.

Gonna go re-watch it right now to see if the technology has improved.

8/05/2008 06:25:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh wow. That was nothing like the video I remember. There were no ninjas in my memory. Neither were there flying zombie choir boys nor overtones of paedophilia.

Ours must've been censored by the BBC with the zombies replaced by near-flashes of nipple.

8/05/2008 06:36:00 PM  

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