Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Winter frost

So the Evening Party of the Living Dead was a huge success! Everyone had a great time, there was much joy and food and drink to be had. Thanks to Meester and Narce for their kicking tunes, everyone enjoyed the dancing. The decorations were fabulous, thank you Myla and Jackie for the help. Thanks Brian and Zach for help setting the place up. Okay, I take it back about Brian, he discovered Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow on my Nintendo DS and couldn't put it down the whole weekend. He did however bring a bunch of Sparks for me to drink which was very very nice. Everyone at the party was extremely well dressed and very dead looking and to boot there were no spills, broken glasses, projectile vomit sessions, police, drama, fights or stalkers! I could not have asked for things to go better than that.

A little talk on gaming for a bit. The 360 is out now and people are forking over $400+ for systems after standing in line before the store opens to get one. Simply amazing. I love games, I really do but I have never gone to those lengths. On the other hand, the Nintendo Revolution may be my new deity (sorry FSM for my blasphemy). Lately my favorite system has been the Nintendo DS. It isn't because I like the stylus. It isn't because I think the games are the best games available right now. It isn't because the battery lasts for about 12 hours and the hardware is really wonderful to hold and use. It is the whole package, and a certain philosophy Nintendo has taken of late. Some people are calling Nintendo the "kids" system or "family" system and I am going to have to disagree with that. I do not think that is what they are going for. They are targeting the casual gamer market. They realized that the most intimidating thing about game consoles in the controllers and the complexity of games. A casual gamer or non-gamer sees the controller and is very reluctant to learn a new game, especially on their own. So what does Nintendo do? Make a game where you pet a dog with a stylus and give it commands by talking to it. There you are, you know how to play your game instantly! They have games where you perform surgery on patients, no buttons needed. A game where you are a lawyer, a game where you connect to the internet and walk around a town and talk to people and it is free and no-hassle! It's just brilliant! So what about this new Revolution console they are making? It has a 3D controller that looks like a TV remote and you point at the screen to play the game. Say, you are a conductor at a symphony and have to wave your conductor's wand. How about a game where you are Harry Potter in school and you learn all of the spells and actually swish and flick your wand and say the words to cast? A fencing game where you really fence? For some reason these type of games really appeal to me and I think it will also have great appeal to the casual and non-gamer market as well as the female gamer market. Very exciting! So in short, you might see me dressed up as Mario waiting outside Best Buy at 2am someday.

Coming up on December 17th I will be going to Dickens Faire. Never been, looking forward to it. For the uninformed it is a Victorian era faire. I am sure Mike D and I will behave ourselves like perfect gentlemen there.


Friday, December 02, 2005

Evening Party of the Living Dead: Tomorrow!!!

